In order to explain antivirus software it is necessary to understand the nature of a computer virus. A computer virus is a way of describing a computer programme that has…
Why Antivirus?
Unfortunately, because new viruses are being developed every day there will always be a need for up-to-date antivirus protection. Furthermore, these viruses are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to discover,…
Types of Viruses
Worm A worm is a piece of malicious software that can prevent certain functions of your PC from taking place. The way that worms are designed mean that they run…
Benefits of Antivirus
The key benefit to installing antivirus software is quite simply that it prevents a virus damaging your PC or network. Protects your PC or network from viruses and other forms…
Pitfalls of Antivirus
Some antivirus packages can slow down the speed of your PC or network. Antivirus software can require a great deal of hard disk and memory. Antivirus software needs to be…
Steps to Buying Antivirus
Step one Identify the needs of your organisation and your users. If users access the internet via a dedicated server, then only the server needs to have an antivirus package…
Steps to Installing Antivirus
Install the software on each server or PC that has access to the internet. It may not be necessary to install the software on other PCs if they access the…
What is a virus? A virus is a piece of malicious code or a software programme that has been written with the specific intent of causing damage to a computer…
Summary of Antivirus
It is highly recommended that all organisations install an antivirus system. Without a doubt, most organisations with internet access will be susceptible to a virus attack – this is pretty…