Cloud computing is a term used to describe the Internet as a system of delivering information, software and other services. For example, the original method of purchasing software was to…
The Future of Cloud Computing
Cloud services delivery as a new model or delivery method is without doubt the future of computing but of course this will very much depend on how responsive businesses will…
Why Cloud Computing?
The recession has in many ways been a catalyst for organisations to rethink and restructure not only their businesses but also the way in which they engage with customers, primarily…
Types of Cloud Computing
Software as a Service (SaaS) SaaS is a service that enables people and companies to use and pay for software on demand or for the amount of time used. This…
Benefits of Cloud Computing
Organisations can gain a number of benefits by engaging with a Cloud Computing model or supplier. Cost reduction. Because of the business model used with Cloud Computing it is possible…
Pitfalls of Cloud Computing
There are risks associated with Cloud Computing deployments and this should be considered when planning to use cloud computing as an engagement or business model. Risk can be reflected in…
Steps to a Cloud Computing delivery agreement
Step One In the initial phase, an organisation must ask: Why are we considering a cloud deployment company? Will we be looking at SaaS or other services? What are the…
Steps to Implementing a Cloud Computing strategy
You must be absolutely clear as to why you are considering a Cloud deployment. Make sure that terms are defined, objectives and SLAs are clear and that all parties know…
What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is a term used to describe the Internet as a method of delivering information, software and other services i.e. keeping computing resources on-line rather…
Summary of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing, (as usual within the ICT market) while a confusing term, it is actually a very simple concept. The ability to deliver software applications and other services via the…