Unified communications is a complex technology but set to be a massive growth area because of the many benefits that it can clearly deliver.
Before embarking upon a unified communications project, it is important to understand exactly what you are trying to achieve, how it will impact the people in your organisation and your customers.
If you have a relatively simple method of communications in place such as using phones and mobiles, it may not be appropriate to purchase a full unified communications system. A far simpler method may be available to integrate the two. This may in the short-term be the most effective and low cost option.
Unified communications may encapsulate the needs of a small company but also the global giant corporate. Clearly the needs will be different, but unified communications still lends itself extremely well to the smaller organisation who perhaps do not have the budgets to employ receptionists, secretaries and the ongoing annoyance and distraction to individuals having to take calls, messages or trying to track down an individuals whereabouts.