Thin computing is a computer system where the terminals or PC have very little or no processing power and hard disk capacity. Information and applications are stored on one central computer that can be accessed via the internet or through the company’s network.
The idea of thin computing is similar to the days of the mainframe computer in the 1960s and 70s before the development of the PC. The big difference today is that the latest PC applications work on a thin computer (also known as a thin client) so that organisations get the benefits of a PC, plus the benefits of a centrally managed and maintained system.
A PC (also known as a desktop computer) has a screen, keyboard, mouse, processor (the brain which gives the PC the ability to access information and makes calculations) and hard disk, which allow personnel to work with applications and information such as word processing, email and spreadsheets.
While PCs are relatively inexpensive, it is important to note that as more PCs are required, the cost of supporting and maintaining also increases. This involves keeping them up to date with the latest security software so that your business is protected, backing up the data and dealing with any problems they have. In addition, if your business depends on PCs to operate, the business cost of a faulty PC can be significant.
Thin Computing is a very Green, very ROI based technology and there is a battle going on to become the worlds leading Thin Client vendor. Wyse have for many years been recognised as the global leader. However, HP with its acquisition in 2007 of Wyse competitor Neoware could reasonably argue they are now the number one vendor if you base the argument on volume sales. Wyse, not to be outdone have taken marketing’s 4 P’s and ventured into the Cloud with their 3 C’s that being Cloud Client Computing – so the battle rages on. Other vendors competing in this market segment are: Ericom, Netvoyager, 2x and VXL. An interestingly new vendor offering zero clients as part of their green computing message is SUNDE, who are making a play in the SME sector.