Thin computing has several benefits. This may make it sound like it’s ‘too good to be true’, and indeed there are some limitations that you should be aware of, but all the following benefits have been realised and proven by businesses during the past ten years.
- Reduces hardware costs: The cost of thin client hardware (terminal) is considerably less than a PC though it is also possible to use older PCs as part of a thin computing system. If you have existing PCs that are reliable, a good approach is to use these until they become unreliable, then replace them with thin clients. Thin clients will last 2-3 times a long as a PC so you will save more money in the longer term as they won’t need replacing as often.
- Maintenance costs: A well designed thin computing system using thin clients will cost a lot less to maintain than PCs. This is because you will see fewer hardware problems, and users are less likely to break the system in the same way as they could with their own PC.
- Running costs: A thin computing system will typically use less than half the electrical power than the equivalent PCs would. This is because PCs generally have a lot more processing power than the user needs and so much of the electrical power they consume is wasted.
- Most thin clients have no moving parts and therefore will last longer than a PC and are less likely to go wrong.
- Easier to maintain and support. Because all the software and applications are stored centrally on the main server, and not on the thin computer, if there are problems it is more than likely that it will be with the main server and not the thin computer. As a result, it is far easier to resolve. Because of the simplicity of the thin computing model there is less to go wrong and the system can be supported easily and cost effectively.
- Users won’t be able to download their own applications or make any changes to their thin computer, unlike a PC where this may potentially cause problems.
- Security. Because users aren’t able to download applications or have access to CD drives and USB devices, there are far fewer entry points for a virus to be accidentally downloaded.
- The green issue. Thin computers use less power than a PC and so are potentially less harmful to the environment.
- Backup. Important information is stored on the central server unlike a PC.
- If more processing power or memory is required this can be achieved centrally rather than upgrading individual PCs.
- Adding further users is cost effective and there is no need to configure each PC for each user.
- Multiple sites and remote workers. Where a company has a number of sites and perhaps personnel that work from home, a thin computing system is ideal. Remote workers can still use a local printer, i.e. a printer can still be connected to their terminal.
- Easy administration. It is far easier to administer a thin computing environment because, for example, software upgrades can all be managed centrally. You can also save costs by not having to send out technical personnel to each individual PC user, or having to individually troubleshoot problems and issues.