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- Depending on the system, you may have to install the software on the main server and/or a copy on remote users’ laptops.
- It will be necessary to allocate passwords to each of the remote workers and ensure that they are changed on a regular basis and that records are kept of these passwords. These must be allocated to provide security and ensure that only those users with the right passwords can access to systems remotely.
- Users must be trained as to how they can use the remote access software. Generally, it is relatively easy to use, but training does prevent issues and mistakes.
- It is important that some form of encryption software or VPN is used in order to ensure that all information is secure. The key to implementing remote access is to ensure that it is absolutely secure because unless this is the case, valuable and vital information can be accessed by an unwanted third party and potentially misused.
- Make sure that you train a capable administrator, who can add new users and passwords.
- If the organisation has someone who is responsible for personnel matters, they should be kept involved with all of the processes and procedures.
- You will need to ensure that a system is in place that ensures that remote workers have the right permissions to access only the information that they require. This access rights may well differ from roles, functions, seniority and departments.