The Future of Disaster Recovery

The market for disaster recovery services is continuing to grow. Catalysts such as the events of 9/11 and terrorist attacks in the UK make companies increasingly aware of how potentially vulnerable there are. The market for disaster recovery services has always been healthy in the UK primarily because of potential attacks by the IRA and other terrorist organisations in the 1970s, 80s and 90s.

Terrorism is not the single driver here, there have been issues based around floods, major power outages and in some countries, earthquakes and hurricanes. We often read of natural disasters both in the UK and globally, so it does demonstrate that a contingency plan is needed for all organisations.

Data Recovery?

Data recovery is a sub-set of disaster recovery. It is a service provided by a specialist technology company that can recover the information held on a hard disk that has been damaged or has failed in some way.

What type of organisations would benefits from Disaster Recovery?

All organisations ideally should have some sort of disaster recovery plan. This may be as simple as having a back-up of key information at a third-party’s premises, such as home, a friend etc. For larger organisations, more complex recovery plans will probably be required.

It should be pointed out, that even for small companies and individuals working from home, they should copy critical information and store it perhaps with a friend or similar. Keeping a copy at home or on site can be useful but in the event of a fire or flood, it can be destroyed.