It is unlikely that you will install a content filtering system yourself but by knowing the following steps you will be aware of what the process is, in order to achieve a fully functioning system.
As a simplistic guide for a small business of, for example, 10 users in one office, the following would be necessary:
- Depending on the system, you may either have to install the software on your server that has access to the internet and / or a copy of the software on every PC or laptop.
- You will need to write a set of policies and guidelines to your employees. The easiest way to go about this is to agree what terms or words are acceptable and a list of unacceptable websites.
- For legal reasons, it will be necessary to inform all employees that they will be monitored.
- You have to draft an Acceptable Use Policy, and get it approved and signed by all employees. You can find a number of examples of standard documents on the internet that can be changed according to your requirements.
- If the organisation has someone who is responsible for personnel matters, they should be kept involved with all of the processes and procedures.
- If the company does not have a personnel professional, then it may be wise to either consult one or hire a specialist lawyer to ensure that all policies are legal and binding.
- Only certain senior level personnel should have access to view the contents of the filtering system. This should ideally include senior IT staff and personnel management. Naturally you do not want everyone to be able to access the content and transactions across the network.
- An administrator may be required in order to update and set new policies, add websites to be blocked or filtered and add further users.